Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

SWOT Analysis of Indian Plastic Industry

Shahid Iqbal

Abstract :

 Plastic industry, a product of post–world war II era of technological revolution, has played a key role in improving quality of life everywhere in the world. In India, this was regarded as a ‘sunrise industry‘ in the Seventh Plan document. Since then, it has emerged as Rs 55,000 crore industry, employing directly and indirectly over 3 million people and has achieved an export turnover of Rs 13,000 crore. ?e industry provides vital inputs to all key sectors of the economy like agriculture, infrastructure, healthcare and consumer goods. ?e industry offers cost effective products that help improve quality of life for common man. One of the most globalised sectors of Indian industry, the plastic industry‘s paramount role in meeting India‘s developmental challenges is widely acknowledged. Against this background, a modest attempt has been to make a SWOT analysis of Indian Plastic Industry

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SHAHID IQBAL , SWOT Analysis of Indian Plastic Industry, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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