Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Sustainable Rural Livelihoods for Small and Marginal Farmers Through Employment Generation in Maharashtra

Argade Shivaji Dadabhau, Dr. T. Gopikrishna

Abstract :

The study was carried out in Thane district of Maharashtra with the objective of to assess the direct and indirect changes occurred due to the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS). Direct changes occurred due to implementation of MGNREGS were increased employment generation, increased number of employed persons in the family, reduced daily working hours, increased daily wage rates, increased income generation, increased community and individual assets creation and reduced migration of people to urban areas for employment. Majority of MGNREGS beneficiaries experienced medium indirect changes followed by more and less indirect changes, respectively. Indirect changes occurred due implementation of MGNREGS were increased empowerment, increased personal and family security, increased food security, increased conservation of natural resources and strengthened democracy

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Argade Shivaji Dadabhau, Dr. T. GopiKrishna Sustainable Rural Livelihoods for Small and Marginal Farmers Through Employment Generation in Maharashtra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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