Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Survey on Spatial Filtering Techniques

A. Rajamani, V. Krishnaveni

Abstract :

An image is the collection of information, which is acquired from digital cameras and the noise present in images causes degradation in the quality of images. Noise removal plays vital role for all kinds of noises since it becomes very important preprocessing task for carrying out further post image processing like image segmentation, image compression etc. Noises are introduced into the image during image acquisition from cameras, Transmission error cause, and due to motion and out of focus problem in the cameras, hazy weather, Atmospheric turbulence and also due to sensors etc. Thus it is mandatory to remove all kinds of noises for effective image restoration and enhancement. Many challenging algorithms were developed confining to spatial domain. This paper elucidates many filtering algorithms with their merits and demerits in detail and discussions and conclusion were made elaborately by reviewing different algorithms from scratch level to recent development. Spatial denoising methods are the one where the pixel intensities are used directly in the denoising process. This survey paper mainly focuses on filtering algorithms which exploits spatial domain filtering process.

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A.Rajamani, V.Krishnaveni Survey on Spatial Filtering Techniques Survey on Spatial Filtering Techniques International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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