Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr Dinesh H N, Dr Sachin V, Dr Sreekanth

Abstract :

Surgical treatment is considered to be the best therapeutic modality for third and fourth degree hemorrhoidal disease. Many different methods of hemorrhoidectomy aim to decrease pain and complications. Harmonic scalpel is a device that simultaneously cuts and coagulates soft tissues through ultrasonic viations. The aim of this study was to compare the results of Harmonic scalpel hemorrhoidectomy with conventional Fergusons hemorrhoidectomy for the treatment of grade III and IV hemorrhoids. Patients with grade III and IV hemorrhoids operated between January 2014 to December 2014 using the harmonic scalpel (n=30) or conventional closed technique (n=30) were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were thrombosed or strangulated hemorrhoids, concomitant perianal disease, history of recurrent perianal surgeries and known tendencies for bleeding. Patients characteristics, duration of operation, complications, post–operative pain measured on visual analogue scale, hospital stay and return to regular activity were compared. Patient characteristics ( female:male ratio, mean age, hemorrhoid grade, and symptom duration were similar between the two groups ). Harmonic scalpel and conventional hemorrhoidectomy patients did not differ significantly in terms of complications, hospital stay, and return to regular activity. However duration of operation and post–operative pain was significantly shorter with harmonic scalpel.

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Dr Dinesh H N, Dr Sachin V, Dr Sreekanth Surgical Management of Hemorrhoids: Harmonic Scalpel Compared with Fergusons Conventional Closed Technique International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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