Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Successful Management of Sickle cell anemia with recurrent Vaso occlusive crisis in Pregnancy: A Case Report

Preeti Lewis, Amrita Jain, Sharvari Mundhe

Abstract :

 Sickle cell disease is a devastating abnormality of RBC’s that results in circulatory impairment in tissue damage, infarctions, severe anaemia and life threatening infections (Yawn et al., 2014). During pregnancy maternal problems can arise from pre–existing chronic underlying organ dys–function such as renal disease or pulmonary hypertension, from acute complications of SCD such as vaso occlusive crisis and acute chest syndrome. Here we are discussing a case of 19yr old primigravida, a known case of Sickle cell disease with –Thalassemia trait having multiple vaso occlusive crises throughout pregnancy that required multiple blood transfusions and ICU admissions. However pregnancy was continued till term with successful outcome due to joint e orts of obstetrician and physician.

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Preeti Lewis, Amrita Jain, Sharvari Mundhe, Successful Management of Sickle cell anemia with recurrent Vaso occlusive crisis in Pregnancy: A Case Report, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-7 | JULY-2017

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