Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Sublethal Impact of Nickel on Survival and Soil Metabloism of an Anecic Earth Worm.

A. Patnaik, M. K. Behera

Abstract :

Experiments conducted on Lampito mauritii earthworm exposed to different sublethal levels of nickel gave following results. On exposure to sublethal doses of nickel, the adult worms survived for longer duration than immature worms. There was significant decrease in survivility of both immature and adult worms due to impact of nickel at 0.001 level of significance (ANOVA). Significant positive correlation at 0.05 level was found between the concentration of nickel and respiratory metabolism of Lampito mauritii. At 240 hours exposure there was increase of about 18,27 and 35% in the rate of respiration on exposure to 2, 4, 6, & 8 ppm nickel over 0 ppm nickel, respectively

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A. Patnaik, M. K. Behera Sublethal Impact of Nickel on Survival and Soil Metabloism of an Anecic Earth Worm. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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