Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2014


Sarika M. Patil, T. Venkatesh

Abstract :

Sub–Riemannian structures naturally occur in different anches of mathematics in the study of constrained systems in classical mechanics, in optimal control, geometric measure theory and differential geometry. Let M be a smooth n–dimensional manifold and let F(M) denote the coframe bundle of M. It is a principal KL(n, R)–bundle over M, where KL(n , R) action is given by the change of basis matrices. Let G be a subgroup of KL(n, R). The K–structure on M is a principal K– subbundle of the coframe bundle of M. In the paper we introduce some notions and results from the theory of K–structures on manifolds.

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SARIKA M. PATIL Sub-Riemannian Structures on Manifolds International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 9 September 2014

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