Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Study to identify the potentiality of Ornamental fish farming opportunities in the river Churni with special reference to socioeconomic growth of the fishers

Avijit Bakshi, Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Sarbani Dutta Roy , Anandamoy Mondal

Abstract :

 Among all the environmental hazards, pollution is, undoubtedly, the most alarming issue of concern. It has been found out that, among all the types of ecosystems on the earth, aquatic ecosystem is the most affected by the impacts of pollution. Loss of biodiversity, to be more precise, loss of fish diversity is one of the commonest consequences of pollution in aquatic environment. It is a serious threat to those whose occupations are directly related to rivers, pond or other water bodies eg., fishers. Mention may be made of river Churni which is no exception. It has been reported by several authors that this river is being threatened by gradual degrading ecological conditions. Since, the productivity, especially fish yield, has decreased alarmingly, fishers, dependant on this river for long, are on the verge of altering their occupation. In this situation, Ornamental Fish Farming may be a help for them. It has been found to be an important component of aquaculture providing economic benefits, aesthetic requirements and up–keeping of environmental conditions. Now, this study has been undertaken to observe the potentiality of controlled ornamental fish–farming in river Churni. The main objective of the study is to explore the alternative occupation opportunities for those depending on this river, especially fishers, and to uplift their socioeconomic condition. Results show that, several ornamental fishes are already present in this river. Proper scientific knowledge of Ornamental Fish Farming may be of help for the fishers in sustaining fish diversity in the river, and thereby, making possible their own economic growth.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Avijit Bakshi, Ashis Kumar Panigrahi, Sarbani Dutta (Roy), Anandamoy Mondal Study to identify the potentiality of Ornamental fish farming opportunities in the river Churni with special reference to socioeconomic growth of the fishers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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