Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Study to assess cancer awareness among rural adult population in an area of Kamrup District (Rural), Assam: a cross sectional study.

Dr. Kumaril Goswami, Dr. Rupali Baruah, Dr. Jutika Ojah

Abstract :

 Background: Non–communicable diseases including cancer are emerging as major public health problems in India. Awareness of the danger of cancer and the need for cancer screening and early detection can reduce the risk of cancer–related deaths. Aims: To assess cancer awareness among rural population in an area of Kamrup (Rural), Assam. Settings and Design: Cross–sectional study is conducted among 400 adult populations residing in Rani Area, Kamrup Rural, Assam. Materials and Methods: A pretested and semi–structured interview schedule was used for collection of information. Cluster methodology was applied for the selection of the study samples. Results: Out of 400 participants 372(93%) has heard about cancer, 54% thinks it to be a disease whereas 30.5% thinks it to be a tumour or swelling in the body. Majority (76.3%) thinks tobacco and betelnut to be the cause of cancer. Conclusions: When few responses are concerned, awareness of study participants about cancers was poor. It also throws light on the need for various public education programmes, particularly using mass media.

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Dr. Kumaril Goswami, Dr. Rupali Baruah, Dr. Jutika Ojah Study to assess cancer awareness among rural adult population in an area of Kamrup District (Rural), Assam: a cross sectional study. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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