Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Study the Effect of Depakine on Retina of Epileptic Patients using Electroretinogram

Naser M, Shushtarian S. M.

Abstract :

Objective: Sodium valproate or Depakine is a drug which is normally used in patients with Epilepsy .This drug has some side effects.The aim of present study is to survey the possible adverse effect of Depakine on retina using Electroretinogram (ERG) technique in patients referred to Basir advance eye research polyclinic. Methods and Materials: In a cross-sectional study, 50 epileptic subjects (without visual problems) including 25 with history of Depakine prescription and 25 without such prescription were enrolled and the ERG pattern obtained in two groups were compared to search for the possible changes. Results: The mean voltage of ERG was 99.88 ± 12.18 and 99.16 ± 13.37 μV in case and control groups, respectively (P > 0.05). The mean latency of ERG was 44.2 ± 2.66 and 44.80 ± 2.36 msec in case and control groups, respectively (P > 0.05).Therefore there was not significant difference for both voltage and latency of two groups. Conclusions: Base on the result of present study and comparison with other studies it may be concluded that Depakine have no adverse effect on retinal function and so no periodic retinal assessment is neccessary in subjects with Depakine treatment.

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Naser M, Shushtarian S.M. Study the Effect of Depakine on Retina of Epileptic Patients using Electroretinogram International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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