Volume : II, Issue : II, February - 2013

Study on The Economic Motivation Level of Farmers in The Adoption of Precision Farming Technology

S. Sangeetha, S. Praveena, P. Jai Sridhar

Abstract :

Precision farming as an emerging technology with substantial promise to aid both farmers and society Economic motivation level of farmers is an important criterion to adopt a technology in their farming activity. Tamil Nadu Precision Farming Project (TNPFP) is a Tamil Nadu state sponsored turnkey project implemented by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University at Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts of Tamil Nadu state, India. Krishnagiri district was purposively selected considering the criteria of maximum beneficiaries and area covered under precision farming project. A Sample of 110 precision farming beneficiaries were taken for the study. A well structured interview schedule was used for data collection and collected data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical tools. The salient findings are more than half (58.18 %) of the respondents had higher level of economic motivation in the adoption of precision farming technologies

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S. Sangeetha,S. Praveena,P. Jai Sridhar Study on The Economic Motivation Level of Farmers in The Adoption of Precision Farming Technology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.II February 2013

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