Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Study on Quality of Life of Elderly

Dr. L. Ranjit

Abstract :

Ageing is natural and universal. Many persons in every society pass through this process. At no point of time in the history of this country, have we been more preoccupied with the problem of ageing than of now. The care of the elderly, by their parents or grandparents is a focus of concern an issues of discard in many family with the number of the graying of India has become more visible than ever. The present study concludes that a low level of quality of life was found among the respondents. The study also concludes that demographic variables namely gender and savings do influence the level of quality of life of the respondents.  

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Dr. L. Ranjit Study on Quality of Life of Elderly International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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