Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016


Dr Naveen Kishoria, Dr Kumari Doully, Dr Rakesh Meena

Abstract :

 Aim : To measure the Prevalence of Post Traumatic stress disorder in patients after acute coronary syndrome and to study the demographic and clinical factors associated with the development of PTSD in these patients. Methods : Cross sectional observational study was conducted to study the prevalence of PTSD in patients with acute coronary syndrome. . Patients attending Medicine OPD or Special Clinics were selected and after explaining the study and taking informed written consent, detailed history and examination was done and patients were analyzed by a clinician administered PTSD scale CAPS based on the DSM–IV TR criteria for the diagnosis of PTSD after a time period of 3 month following acute coronary syndrome to exclude acute stress reaction developing after the acute coronary syndrome. Summary : Out of total 100 subjects, 77 were male and 23 were female subjects. ?e minimum age of patients was 25 years and maximum being 80 years. Overall prevalence of PTSD (full/partial) was 23 % with 6 % subjects developing Full PTSD and 17 % developing partial PTSD. PTSD had higher frequency in subjects with higher socioeconomic status as compared to with lower socioeconomic status with significant association present between socio economic status and frequency of PTSD ( 0.05 ) Out of total 100 subjects 62 % subjects were smokers and frequency of PTSD was more in smokers but difference was not statistically significant.( 0.20)

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Dr Naveen Kishoria, Dr Kumari Doully, Dr Rakesh Meena, STUDY ON PREVALANCE OF PTSD IN ACS, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 |December 2016

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