Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Study on Noise levels across different zones of Visakhapatnam influenced by Traffic Density

Boni Anil Kumar, Praveen Majhi, Pericherla Sravani

Abstract :

 Noise pollution is being considered as a growing health threat to both humans and Animals with the rapid urbanisation along with increased vehicular moments resulted in unpredicted rise of noise pollution in the urban environment present study focused on 4 main junctions in Visakhapatnam to assess the varying sound levels influenced by increased traffic density, and the observed readings of noise levels where analysed for parameters like Leq,Ln,TNI(Traffic Noise Index) and the results thus obtained reviled that Maximum dB was observed at BHPV and Minimum was observed at Industrial Estate which shown a positive relationship with TNI .

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Boni Anil Kumar, Praveen Majhi, Pericherla Sravani Study on Noise levels across different zones of Visakhapatnam influenced by Traffic Density International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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