Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Study of Wind Pattern and its Seasonal Evolution over Indian Ocean

Ravindra M. Jadav

Abstract :

 The work presented here is aimed to identify long term wind patterns and its evolution over Indian Ocean. This would be useful in understanding long term evolution of sea surface temperature, ocean currents, local mesoscale system such as monsoons, all such things we describe as ‘climate change‘. We have used the data of Tokinaga and Xie [2011] and found increasing trend in central areas of Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal whereas decreasing trend in coastal and equatorial areas of Indian ocean. Further the change (increase or decrease) was maximum during JJA months for all regions. The somali region being relatively deep and the shallow ridge in southern arabian ocean makes a typical structure and behaves differently in terms of change in wind stress curl. The significant net rise in August wind stress curl for Indian Ocean will definitely have some effect on Ocean Circulation which might further be studied.

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Ravindra M. Jadav Study of Wind Pattern and its Seasonal Evolution Over Indian Ocean International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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