Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Study of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Gujarat University Campus

Dr. Anshita P, Dr. Tapan P, Gaurang S, Swati, Shahil S, Yasin M, Dr. Banshi, Dr. Mandava

Abstract :

Type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most common and costly chronic diseases world wide. Incidence and prevelance of type II diabetes mellitus continue to rise in Indian populations. India alone was home to an estimated 50 million people with diabetes in 2010 and this number is projected to reach 87 million by 2030. Population based studies show a rapidly increasing prevelance of T2DM in India over a past few decades. In this study, several individuals at different age groups (20-80 yrs) were studied to estimate the random blood glucose levels along with the body mass index (BMI). Data from the age over 40 years showed increased incidence in T2DM prevalence independent to BMI. Individuals below the age of 40 showed normal glucose level. This population based study illustrates the rapid incidences of diabetes in the patients at higher age in Gujarat university campus. Obesity did not relate with the glucose levels. This article is a systematic review of the epidemiology of adult onset type II diabetes in the individuals of the particular campus. Further studies are needed to unravel the genetics of diabetes in the Indian population.

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Dr. Anshita P,Dr. Tapan P,Gaurang S,Swati,Shahil S,Yasin M,Dr. Banshi,Dr. Mandava Study of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Gujarat University Campus International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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