Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Study of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Self Actualization of Secondary School Teachers

Dr. Y. V Shrivastava, Dr Sheeja Thomas

Abstract :

The present research was undertaken to study the relationship between Emotional intelligence and self actualization of secondary school teachers. The sample for the study comprised of 400 secondary school teachers,200 teachers

of type A personality and 200 teachers of Type B personality selected randomly from the various schools also selected randomly situated in
Durg, Bhilai and Raipur cities of Chhattisgarh. The tools used for the study were the Emotional Intelligence scale developed and standardized
by the investigator and the self actualization inventory (SEAI) by Dr. K.N Sharma .Results revealed significant relationship between Emotional Intelligence and self actualization of secondary school teachers. Significant relationship was found between the self actualization and
Type A personality teachers of secondary school teachers. Similarly significant relationship was found between Emotional Intelligence and
self actualization of Type B personality teachers of secondary school teachers.

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Dr.Y.V Shrivastava, Dr Sheeja Thomas Study of the Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Self Actualization of Secondary School Teachers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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