Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Study of the Epidemiology and Management of Resistant Cervical Tuberculosis

Dr. Roshni Patel, Dr. Gopalsingh Rajpurohit, Dr. Pranav Patel, Dr Vithal Rangarajan

Abstract :

Introduction: The incidence of mycobacterial lymphadenitis has increased in parallel with the increase in the incidence of mycobacterial infection worldwide. The emergence of drug resistance is a serious threat to global efforts to control tuberculosis. Methods The Continuous prospective study was carried out at the surgical department, Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad, during the period June 2008 to December 2010. A total 40 cases suffering from resistant cervical tuberculous lymphadenopathy were studied. Clinical assessment was done on OPD as well as indoor cases & investigations were carried out. Observation and Discussion: The most common symptom was a painless cervical swelling.The most common complication was an abscess formation.Maximum number of patients were in the 3rd and 4th decades with incidence rate slightly higher in females(55%). Excision biopsy was undoubtedly the best and the most complete surgery & ‘the treatment’ for Non Tuberculous Mycobacterium lymphadenitis.

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Dr. Roshni Patel, Dr. Gopalsingh Rajpurohit, Dr. Pranav Patel, Dr Vithal Rangarajan Study of the Epidemiology and Management of Resistant Cervical Tuberculosis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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