Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Study of the association between decreased urinary Calcium Creatinine Ratio and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in some high risk cases.

Dr Shikha Shabnam, Dr Abhilasha Rashmi

Abstract :

 Background: This study is done to investigate the significance of urinary Calcium Creatinine Ratio (CCR) in prediction of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH). Methods: 200 normotensive women in gestational age 24 to 34 weeks were included and divided into 2 groups– 100 with high risk factors and 100 with no risk factor for development of PIH. Urine samples collected, urinary calcium and creatinine measured, CCR calculated and patients were followed up during antenatal visits and labor for development of PIH. Urinary CCR value of 0.04 was chosen as predictive value for development of preeclampsia. Results: Out of 200 patients, 44 had CCR ≤ 0.04, of these 61% developed PIH. Out of 156 patients with CCR > 0.04 only 5% had PIH, 95% didn’t have. Statistically, for prediction of PIH, CCR was highly significant. Conclusion: A pregnant woman with a high risk factor and low urinary CCR is prone to develop PIH. Urinary CCR may be an effective screening method for impending preeclampsia.

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Dr Shikha Shabnam, Dr Abhilasha Rashmi Study of the association between decreased urinary Calcium Creatinine Ratio and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension in some high risk cases. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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