Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

Study of resistivity, Hall coefficient and Carrier concentration of CdSxSe1x thin films of as deposited by spray pyrolysis

Y. D. Tembhurkar

Abstract :

 II–IV group of semiconductor are of great important role due to their application in solar cell faication. Spray pyrolysis is a very Cheap and inexpensive method for the preparation of films on large area. Resistivity, Hall mobility, carrier concentration were measured at room temperature by Vender Hall Pauw method. From these results we conclude that resistivity and Hall mobility decreases as percentage of ‘S‘ increases while Hall coefficient increase. ?is may be due to the donor‘s cadmium interstitials or sulphur vacancies.

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Y. D. Tembhurkar, Study of resistivity, Hall coefficient and Carrier concentration of CdSxSe1x thin films of as deposited by spray pyrolysis, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 |December 2016

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