Volume : I, Issue : VII, December - 2012
Study of Prognostic Value of Neutrophi–Lymphocyte Ratio in Early Outcome of Myocardial Infarction
Dr. Mukesh N. Rathod, Dr. Neeraj Singh, Dr. Hemant K. Rathod
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE: To study the value of neutrophil lymphocyte ratio in patients of acute myocardial infarction in immediate post-infarct period and correlation between the value and the development of complications and mortality during hospital stay in patients of AMI.S MATERIALS & METHODS: Patients of acute myocardial infarction admitted in ICCU of a general hospital were included in the present study. Acute Myocardial Infarction was diagnosed in patients with or without ischemic chest pain by presence of ST- segment elevation of > 1mm with or without T wave inversion and Q wave in more than two consecutive limb or chest leads in standard 12 lead ECG. Haemoglobin level, Total WBC count and differential count of patients were obtained by Abacus-3 haematology analyser (Hungary). RESULTS: We found strong association of Neutrophil Lymphocyte ratio with complications (p=0.004). Mean admission N:L ratio in patients with Complicated MI (4.0+/- 1) was found to be significantly higher than the mean level in patients with uncomplicated MI (3.5+/- 0.9). Rate of complications among patients in range of 0 to 2 N:L ratio was found to be 25% , in range of 2.1 to 4 it was 31.8% while with N:L ratio above 4 almost 44.7 % of patients had complications. We also found strong association of Neutrophil Lymphocyte ratio with death, mean admission N:L ratio in patients who died (4.2+/- 0.6) was found to be significantly higher than the mean level in patients who survived (3.6+/- 1). (p=0.006). Mortality among patients in range of 0 to 2 N:L ratio was nil, while in range of 2.1 to 4 it was 2.2% and in range above 4 was 21.1 %
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Dr. Mukesh N. Rathod, Dr. Neeraj Singh, Dr. Hemant K. Rathod Study of Prognostic Value of Neutrophi-Lymphocyte Ratio in Early Outcome of Myocardial Infarction International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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Dr. Mukesh N. Rathod, Dr. Neeraj Singh, Dr. Hemant K. Rathod Study of Prognostic Value of Neutrophi-Lymphocyte Ratio in Early Outcome of Myocardial Infarction International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VII Dec 2012
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