Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015
Farooq Ahmad Mir
Abstract :
<p>Pus often results from an infection and is usually made up of dead white blood cells, deis from other damaged cells and tissue and bacteria. Cells called neutrophils can kill the invaders, engulf and destroy the bacteria and the bacteria resist the immune response by releasing toxins called leukocidins. These are often cocci, which are spherical organisms with thick cell walls, and include various Staphylococcus and Streptococcus varieties. In the above context, study was conducted to understand the pyogenic infection by various species and their sensitivity to antibiotics. The study was done over a period of four months. A total number of 152 randomly selected pus samples received by the bacteriology section of microbiology department, from various wards of PIMS Hospital. Result reveals that S. aureus was reported to be the commonest pathogen. The study concluded that incidence of pus infection is expected to be highest in wards housing post&ndash;surgical patients. When empirical treatment was intended, GNB may also be expected as the most probable causative agent.</p>
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DOI : 10.36106/ijsr
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Farooq Ahmad Mir Study of Processing of Pus for Culture and Sensivity Testing in Bacteriology Laboratory International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015
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Farooq Ahmad Mir Study of Processing of Pus for Culture and Sensivity Testing in Bacteriology Laboratory International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015
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