Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Study of Prevalence of Mycotic Keratitis

Dr. S. Anuradha

Abstract :

 Aims are 1. To study the occurrence of fungal corneal ulcer in different age groups, the distribution of fungal  corneal ulcer in respect to sex, Distribution in relation to occupation, common causative agents, oetiopathogenesis, to study the effectiveness of Natamycin and Fluconazole , in the management of mycotic keratitis. The study involved 190 cases o  f corneal ulcers admitted in Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool. Out of 190 cases, 45 cases showed positive fungal cultures on microbiological  investigations .Incidence was found tJo be high In the age group o f 31– 60 years , incidence was high among males .Aspergillus was the  most common fungi identified , followed by Candida .Most of the persons affected were agricultural labourers.  CONCLUSION : Even though these cases responded favourably to treatment , the end result obtained after follow up in our series  of cases was, large percentage of cases ended with corneal leucomas and evisceration and so visual prognosis was found to be poor.  This clearly showed the need to improve the ophthalmic care and treatment at the peripheral level and in rural areas , for the  early diagnosis and early management of cases and early referral to higher centers at the earliest so as to reduce vision threatening  complications , thereby to improve visual prognosis in these cases and , the need for invention of more effective antifungal agents. 

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Dr. S. ANURADHA Study of Prevalence of Mycotic Keratitis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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