Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2016

Study of Prevalence of A2, A2B along with major ABO Blood Groups to minimize the transfusion reactions

Dr. Smita Mahapatra, Dr Debasish Mishra, Dr Dibyajyoti Sahoo, Dr Binay Bhusan Sahoo

Abstract :

 Research on ABO blood group system has been of immense interest, due to its medical importance in different diseases. The heterogeneity of A and B alleles results in weak variants of these antigens. Subgroups of A differ both quantitatively and qualitatively. The aim of the present study was to study the frequency of A subtypes and to study the prevalence of A2 and A2B along with other major blood groups in the healthy donors in eastern India. Blood samples from 3918 donors were types into major ABO blood groups using standard tube technique. Anti–A1 lectin studies were done for all patients with groups A and AB and they were classified into A1/A1B, A2/A2B. ABO blood groups detected in 3918 blood donors were 37.2% of ‘O’ blood group, 33.6% of ‘B’ blood group, 22.3% of ‘A’ blood group and 6.8% of ‘AB’ blood groups. The A and AB blood groups were subtyped into 88.1% A1 and 11.9% A2, 5.8% A2 blood groups were found in A blood group and 31.5% A2B were found in AB blood group. The result of our study show a significantly higher proportion of A2B subtypes than A2 subgroups. Patients should receive these compatible blood groups to minimise the reactions occurring due to blood transfusion.

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Dr. Smita Mahapatra, Dr Debasish Mishra, Dr Dibyajyoti Sahoo, Dr Binay Bhusan Sahoo Study of Prevalence of A2, A2B along with major ABO Blood Groups to minimize the transfusion reactions International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 3 March 2016

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