Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Study of Polarization Type on Reflectivity For Multilayer Surfaces

Haider Y. Hammod, Noor L . Hussain

Abstract :

In this research ,a theoretical study to design different reflection mirrors depending on incident angle and polarization type . which used as output coupler for laser resonator have been established the (open filter )program and multi layers coating on BK7substrate produce have been used for this purpose . From result s the (maximum reflectivity was 93.59%when?=(600) for mirror with (five layers) for(InSb+InAs) for (s-) polarization type. While the reflectivity become(38.87%)for ?=(600) with same number of layers for(p-) polarization type.

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Haider Y. Hammod, Noor L .Hussain Study of Polarization Type on Reflectivity For Multilayer Surfaces International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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