Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Study of Pattern of Head Injury in Government Medical College, Nagpur.

Dr. J. L. Borkar, Dr. A. K. Jaiswani, Dr. A. A. Mukharjee

Abstract :

 Head injury is the leading cause of death and disability following road traffic accidents and fall from height due to its anatomical location in our body. In present study medico legal autopsy was carried out on 1339 cases of head injury ought to post–mortem centre in Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College and hospital, Nagpur. Aim of our study was to analyze the socio–demographic profile and pattern of head injury in cases to provide epidemiological data, which can be used to refine treatment protocols and help the policy makers to take preventive measures. In our study head injury was prevalent in urban areas (n=941, 70.3%). Males (n=1083, 81.9%) outnumbered females (n=256, 18.1%) with an approximate male to female ratio of 4.2:1. Most affected age group was 21–30yrs. Road traffic accident (n=1180, 88.1%) was most common etiological factor, followed by fall (n=131, 9.7%) and assault (n=22, 1.6%). Maximum cases (n=426, 31.8%) were reported in Evening 18.01 hrs–23.59 hrs. Majority of Road Traffic Accident cases were of two wheeler drivers (n=551, 46.7%) followed by Pedestrians (n=395, 33.5%). 65.2% victims were not weå helmet. Maximum cases (n=851, 63.6%) belong to Middle socio–economic class and majority (n=757, 56.5%) were graduates. Skull fracture was found in 1050 (78.4%) cases; commonest type of skull fracture was linear (n=522, 39%). Commonest bone fractured was temporal (n=653, 62.2%). The commonest variety of intracranial haemorrhage was subdural (n=1215, 90.7%). Most cases (n=468, 35%) survived less than an hour or died on their way to hospital. 

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Dr.J.L.Borkar, Dr.A.K.Jaiswani, Dr.A.A.Mukharjee, Study of Pattern of Head Injury in Government Medical College, Nagpur., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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