Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Study of Palmar Angles and their significance in Diabetes mellitus

Fozia Nazir, Ghulam Mohammad Bhat, Mohammad Hayat Bhat, Showkat Ahmad Khan

Abstract :

 Introduction: Study of the patterns of the epidermal ridges (Dermatoglyphics) can serve as an aid to the diagnosis of many diseases, particularly

those caused by chromosomal abnormalities. It has been presumed that any alteration in epidermal ridges of an individual prone to diabetes may
have a distinct Dermatoglyphics pattern, which remains unchanged throughout life. Dermatoglyphics can be used to find out possibility of
occurring of disease in future.
Aims and objectivesTo compare the palmar angles– angles atd, angle adt and angle dat, in cases of Diabetes mellitus with that of controls of same
age and sex.
Material & Method: The dermatoglyphic patterns of 100 patients (cases) and100 normal healthy individuals of the same age group were included
in the study as controls. The dermatoglyphic prints in present study were taken by Ink method. Palmar angles were measured in cases and controls
and the statiscally analyzed using independent t test
Results: Results showed a significant difference in mean values of palmar angles–angle atd, angle adt and angle dat, in cases than those of controls.
Conclusion: From the present study, it can be concluded that there is significant difference in palmar angles between patients and normal

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Fozia Nazir, Ghulam Mohammad Bhat, Mohammad Hayat Bhat, Showkat Ahmad Khan, Study of Palmar Angles and their significance in Diabetes mellitus, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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