Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Study Of Occupational Stress and Its Relationship with Occupational Functioning and Quality Of Life Among Indian Military Personnel

Gunjan Solanki, Ruchira Singh

Abstract :

While it has been noted that some amount of stress is necessary for optimal productivity, negative stress or too much stress in working situations is of concern in the work place in terms of worker safety and health (Pulat, 1997). This may lead to Occupational stress. Occupational stress arising out of routine military work environment is found to have significant negative impact on their level of occupational functioning and quality of life (QOL). The present study was aimed to find domains of occupational stress in Indian army and their relation with QOL and occupational functioning. It included 200 Rank 3 military personnel . Three main domains of occupational functioning affected were Role overload, Role Conflict and Intrinsic impoverishment. These were significantly correlated with different domains of QOL and Occupational functioning

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Gunjan Solanki, Ruchira Singh, Study Of Occupational Stress and Its Relationship with Occupational Functioning and Quality Of Life Among Indian Military Personnel, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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