Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Study of Obstructed labours Incidence, Causes and Outcome at life span hospital Gulbarga.

Dr Meenaz Nurullasayed, Dr Shoukatsayed

Abstract :

Obstructed labor is one of the common prevalent causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in developing countries. Hospital–based, cross–sectional study was conducted on all mothers who were admitted and delivered in the labor ward Life span hospital Gulbarga. The incidence of obstructed labor was 12.2%. The causes of obstructed labor were cephalo–pelvic disproportion in 121(67.6%) and malpresentation in 50 (27.9%) of the cases. The commonest maternal complications observed were uterine rupture in 55 (45.1%) and sepsis in 48 (39.3%). Forty–five point eight percent of fetuses were born alive with low first minute APGAR score.The incidence of obstructed labor was high with high rate of complications. The antenatal care follow–up practice was also found to be low. Improved antenatal care, good referral system, and availing obstetric care in nearby health institution are recommended to prevent obstructed labor and its complications.

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Dr Meenaz Nurullasayed, Dr Shoukatsayed Study of Obstructed Labours Incidence, Causes and Outcome at Life Span Hospital Gulbarga. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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