Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Study of Nerve Conduction Tests in Diabetics and its Clinical Significance

Domala Prasad

Abstract :

Diabetes mellitus has rapidly emerged as a major health problem in developed and developing countries throughout the world.The present study was conducted on 30 subjects of type 2 diabetes subjects in age group 30-65 years. The subjects for control group have been selected in age group of 30-65 years seeking for various other medical problems without diabetes and having no neuropathy of any other cause. In my study sural nerve in cases group it is observed that a significant decrease in conduction velocity has occurred (1).These patients with decreased sensory nerve conduction in sural nerve are having subclinical distal sensory peripheral neuropathy.

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Domala Prasad Study of Nerve Conduction Tests in Diabetics and its Clinical Significance International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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