Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Study of Morbidity Pattern of Diseases under IMNCI in 2 month – 5 yr Age Group in Urban Slums of Raipur City, Chhattisgarh

Dr Onkarkhandwal, Dr Virendra K. Kurrey, Dr Deepti Singh

Abstract :

Introduction: Underfive children death in India still subject of concern, many of these deaths could be prevented by appropriate access, utilization of healthcare facilities & awareness of diseases. Therefore to evaluate morbidity pattern under IMNCI in slum of Raipur this study were planned. Methods A retrospective, observational study of 407 children in 2month –5yr age group, Nutritional status was assessed, detail history ARI, diarrhoea, fever, nutrition, vaccination to approach morbidity pattern.Results were analyzed statistically using 95% confidence interval. Result: Female subjects were found to be more wasted& stunted. Less than 50% children covered with booster dose of vaccination. Only 40% children with diarrhoea treated with ORS. 29% had malaria, 12 % measles; very severe pneumonia seen in 33% of case, 59% children had palmer pallor. 12 % of ear infection . Conclusion: Educate the mothers in slum area regarding utilization of healthcare facilities are key factor for improvement in underfive children health status.

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Dr OnkarKhandwal, Dr Virendra K. Kurrey, Dr Deepti Singh Study of Morbidity Pattern of Diseases Under Imnci in 2 Month‾5 Yr Age Group in Urban Slums of Raipur City, Chhattisgarh International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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