Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Study of Modular Design Capabilities of Part Modules Feature in NX CAD software

Jay Bendkhale, Reena Trivedi

Abstract :

Computer-aided design is one of the many tools used by engineers and designers and is used in many ways depending on the profession of the user and the type of software in question. In the last decade, the concept of modularity has caught the attention of engineers, management researchers and corporate strategists in a number of industries. When a product or process is modularized, the elements of its design are split up and assigned to modules according to a formal architecture or plan. NX Part Modules capabilities are designed for work eakup; that is distributed modeling or Modular Design concept.

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Jay Bendkhale, Reena Trivedi Study of Modular Design Capabilities of Part Modules Feature in NX CAD software International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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