Volume : V, Issue : VII, July - 2016

Study of migration of low lying placenta, diagnosed in mid trimester by Transvaginal sonography.

Sachin Kumar Singh, Geeta Rani, Anand Kr Murarka

Abstract :

 Objective – To study the migration of low lying placenta, diagnosed in the 2nd trimester by Transvaginal sonography. Methods – The study was conducted in Deptt of Radiology JLNMCH Bhagalpur between Jan 2015– Dec 2016. A total of 200 cases were studied, out of which 15 cases had low lying placenta, i.e. 7.5% in which the distance between centre of internal os to the leading edge of placenta was < 3 cm. Results:–Study showed that 7.5% cases, i.e. 15 cases had low lying placenta out of which 67% migrated to upper segment by third trimester. In 5 cases out of 200 i.e. 2.5% cases it remained at its own place and continued as placenta praevia. The rate of migration of placenta was less in case of prior caesarean section or D&C and MROP (Manual removal of placenta). Migration of placenta was not seen when the initial distance was < 1.5 cm. CONCLUSION: – The prevalence of low lying placenta was 7.5% in mid trimester which decreases to 2.5% at term. The rate of placental migration was 76%. Factors like initial distance between the lower edge of placenta & internal os, placental position and previous birth by caesarean section influenced placental migration.

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Sachin Kumar Singh, Geeta Rani, Anand kr Murarka Study of migration of low lying placenta, diagnosed in mid trimester by Transvaginal sonography. International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 7|July 2016

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