Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Study of laparoscopic groin herneal repair

Dr. Busineni Moksha Prasuna, Dr . Ravi Mohan, Dr. Y. Indira

Abstract :

 The present study Laparoscopic Groin Herneal Repair to determine duration of procedure, morbidity in terms of Complications, duration of hospital stay, early return to work and recurrence with  special reference to its surgical management. The aim of the study is to find out Merits and Demerits of Laparoscopic Groin Herneal Repair. Prospective study of management of groin hernias by Laparoscopic surgery either TEP or TAPP in Osmania Medical College in Hyderabad.  Total number of subjects are 17 in numbers, who came to Osmania General Hospital for inguinal herneal repair either direct or indirect,  bilateral or unilateral, either complicated or uncomplicated. Two types of laparoscopic surgeries done (1) Trans abdominal preperitoneal repair; (2) Total extraperitoneal herneal repair depending upon surgeon‘s choice

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Dr.Busineni Moksha prasuna, Dr .Ravi mohan, Dr. Y. Indira Study of laparoscopic groin herneal repair International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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