Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Study of Etiological and Clinical Profile of Chronic Pericarditis in a Territory Care Center

Dr. P. Kannan, Dr. T. Munusamy

Abstract :


            The etiologic spectrum in different series largely depends on the source of the patients, the characteristics of the centre and on the frequency distribution of different etiologies in each geographic area. The aim of this paper to study etiological and clinical profile of patients with chronic pericarditis in a territory Care Center.

Materials and Methods:

            It is a single centre descriptive study of 50 consecutive patients who were hospitalized in the department of cardiology at Govt.MohanKumaramangalam Medical College between January 2015 to January 2018


            Out of 50 patients enrolled in our study, 56% were males. The mean age of our study population was 35 ± 18 years. Dyspnea was the common presentation in all three groups in our study. We found the most common etiology for all the three groups of chronic pericarditis was idiopathic.


            Our study reported that patients with chronic pericardial effusion, CCP, CT specific etiology were found in 19 patients (48%) (18%) (24%) respectively. The most common cause in all the three groups of chronic pericarditis was idiopathic.

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Dr.P.Kannan, Dr.T.Munusamy, Study of Etiological and Clinical Profile of Chronic Pericarditis in a Territory Care Center, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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