Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


Dr. Ajay Prajapati, Dr. Pragya Jauhar, Dr. Parsis Parmar, Dr. Satish K. Kadikar

Abstract :

 Reproductive tract infections (RTI) is a global health problem in women, especially in South East Asian region countries. They may progress to serious complications and may cause a high degree of morbidity during the sexually active period of life. The present study was undertaken from July 2014 to July 2015 to find the prevalence of reproductive tract infection among 50 pregnant vs 50 non pregnant women of reproductive age, prevalence of suggestive symptoms of RTI, their pattern in pregnancy and relation of these symptoms with socio–demographic variables, reproductive characteristics. Among the patients attending the Gynae OPD of S.C.L. Hospital, Saraspur , Ahmedabad, 50 women in each pregnant and non pregnant of the reproductive age group (15 to 45 yrs) were interviewed through a pre designed and pre tested schedule after obtaining their informed consent. Following the prospective study of RTI in 50 pregnant and 50 non pregnant women, it was found that majority of women with RTI belonged to age group of 26–34 years, had an early marriage, with one or more abortion, with no contraceptive practice, lack of reproductive hygiene and who were poorly nourished and immunocompromised. Education of women, improvement of nutritional status, routine screening, early diagnosis and treatment can prevent majority of RTI among women.

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Dr. Ajay Prajapati, Dr. Pragya Jauhar, Dr. Parsis Parmar, Dr. Satish K. Kadikar Study of Different Reproductive Tract Infections in Pregnant vs Non Pregnant Females International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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