Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Study of complications of Occiput posterior position and its management

Drmeenaznurullasayed, Drshoukatsayed

Abstract :

28 years old primi at 39 weeks of gestation presented to labour. On admission she had regular painful contractions for the past 10 hours. Her servix was 1cm dilated 50% effaced and fetuswas at –3 stations with intact memanes. On examination fetal back was difficult to palpate consistent with an OPPostion. After admission she was confined to bed rest and placed on continuous fetal and uterine monitoring. Within 4 hoursmemanes ruptured spontaneously with clear fluid. The fetus was at –2 station and her cervix dilated to 4 centimeters with 80% effacement. Inspite of 8 hours of admission and 4 hours of oxytocin administration cervical dilatation did not progress beyond 7 centimeters and no fetal descent occurs.Caesarean section was recommended for failure to progress. A healthy baby boy weighing 3.5 kgs who was noted to be in direct OP position was born with Apgar scores of 9/9.

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DrMeenazNurullasayed, Drshoukatsayed Study of Complications of Occiput Posterior Position And Its Management International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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