Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2019

Study of common mental disorders in rural India.

Dr. Snehal P Chavhan, Dr. Pankaj M. Kasdekar, Dr. Preeti Namdeo Pawar

Abstract :

Objective – 1) To know the prevalence of common mental disorders.2) To know their relation with socio–demographic characteristics, lifestyle and medical conditions in rural population in rural health practice area of medical college. Methodology–Study type: Community based Cross –sectional study. Study area: Rural field practice area of dept .of community Medicine, BJ Medical College, Pune, Study period: Dec 2016–June 2017.Study Subjects: Participants over the age of 18 years. Sample size: 200 participants Selected by Systematic random sampling, considering 30% prevalence and 20 % allowable error. With written informed consent A semi structured questionnaire was used to obtain information about socio–demographic aspects, lifestyle and disease frequency. In addition, the SRQ–201 was used to measure common mental disorders (CMD) developed by WHO. With cut off of >7. For analysis Chi–Square test was used, p<0.05 considered significant.Results –Prevalence of participants scoring > 7 were 36 i.e. 18%. It is associated with Female Sex, Advancing Age, Married Marital Status, History of Chronic Diseases i.e. ( DM, Asthma.),Family history of Chronic Diseases & Addictions i.e. Tobacco ,Alcohol. Conclusion– Prevalence of Common mental Disorders was 18% . It is associated with Female Sex, Advancing Age, Married Marital Status, History of Chronic Diseases i.e. ( DM, Asthma.),Family history of Chronic Diseases & Addictions i.e. Tobacco ,Alcohol.

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STUDY OF COMMON MENTAL DISORDERS IN RURAL INDIA., Dr. Snehal P Chavhan, Dr. Pankaj M. Kasdekar, Dr. Preeti Namdeo Pawar INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2019

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