Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Study of Clinicoserological Profile in Hepatitis B Infection.

Dr. Roshni Pranav Patel

Abstract :

Introduction: Hepatitis B Virus is probably the most important chronic viral infection affecting Indians. The present study was conducted to study clinicoserological correlation & biochemical parameters with various stages of hepatitis B infection, along with epidemiological pattern & various complications in hepatitis B infection.Methods The study was carried out at the Microbiology Department, N.H.L. Municipal Medical Collage, Ahmedabad, during the period November 2009 to November 2011.A total 100 cases of HBsAg reactive patients were studied. The blood samples from these patients were tested for antiHepatitisB c IgM, anti HBc total and/or HBeAg and clinical history with investigations were obtained simultaneously. Results and Observations. The maximum anti HBc IgM positive cases were in age group of 31–45 years. In cases with non–reactive anti HBc IgM, SGPT & S. bilirubin were found statistically significantly raised in cases with HBeAg reactive than in cases with HBeAg non–reactive.

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Dr. Roshni Pranav Patel Study of Clinicoserological Profile in Hepatitis B Infection. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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