Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Study of Clinicopathological Profile of Patients With Multinodular Goiter In A Tertiary Care Center

Dr Kiran T, Dr Ashwini B R

Abstract :

Multinodular goiter is a common disorder characterized by a nodular enlargement of the thyroid gland a problem commonly encountered in medical practice. It is a condition occurring in about 12% of the adults characterized by nodules that grow slowly with in the thyroid. There are different diagnostic modalities like Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), ultrasound examination and biochemical analysis. However histopathology remains the gold standard. The study was conducted at our institution to find the clinicopatholoical profile of the patients with multinodular goiter, and to study the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of FNAC in diagnosing multinodular goiter. Our study showed that multinodular goiter is common in females than in males and in frequent in 3rd decade of life. Majority of the patients had euthyroid status in thyroid profile. Non neoplastic lesions were more common than neoplastic lesions. FNAC was found to be a safe and effective diagnostic modality with specificity of 100% and efficacy of 98%.

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Dr Kiran T, Dr Ashwini B R Study of Clinicopathological Profile of Patients With Multinodular Goiter In A Tertiary Care Center International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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