Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Dr Nishita Desai, Dr Babulal Patel

Abstract :

 An Auptio placenta is a grave obstetrical emergency. The study is carried out to know the incidence, etiological factor and fetal & maternal outcome in patients with auption at tertiary care hospital.RESULT: The incidence of auption in our institute is 0.8%. Out of this 60% were emergency patient and rests are booked. 70% patients are multiparous. 60% patients presented with auption at 34 to 36 weeks of gestational age. Out of 50 case 66% patients presented with toxemia of pregnancy. Most common clinical presentation of patient is bleeding per vaginum and abdominal pain(64%) & anemia.(48%).54% of the patients are delivered by LSCS. Out of fifty 10 case will develop post partum hemorrhage. Blood and blood components are needed in 62% cases. In this study total 8(16%) neonatal death occur. Out of live babies 70% were the low birth weight babies. CONCLUSION As incidence of auption placenta is more in unbooked cases and multipara, routine antenatal care and early detection of preeclampsia will reduce the rate of the disease. Preeclampsia, eclampsia, chronic hypertension and anemia are the major risk factors. The most common complication is postpartum hemorrhage. Shorter admission delivery time and blood transfusion will improve maternal and fetal outcome. The perinatal mortality is because of prematurity, low birth weight & birth asphyxia.

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Dr Nishita Desai, Dr Babulal Patel, STUDY OF A FETOMATERNAL OUTCOME IN CASES OF ABRUPTIO PLACENTAE, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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