Volume : III, Issue : I, January - 2014

Study of 100 Patients Presenting with Hepatic Encephalopathy with Special Reference to Etiology and Outcome

Dr. Shivani Patel, Dr. Tejas Modi, Dr. Mayur Patil, Dr. Narendra Barad, Dr. Rechal Shah, Dr. Kiran Mirani

Abstract :

Introduction: Hepatic encephalopathy is a complex, potentially reversible neuropsychiatric abnormality resulting from acute or chronic liver failure .It is characterized by change in personality, consciousness, behavior and neuromuscular function.It is a disease with poor outcome and having high mortality. Method: Prospective and observational study of 100 patients with Age >13 years presenting with clinical symptom and signs of hepatic encephalopathy.Various signs and symptom, necessary lab investigation and neuroimaging was done.Patient were followed during this hospital stay and outcome was noted. Result: Most common age group affected was 41-60 year with male:female ratio of 2.1:1.Most common presenting symptom was altered sensation and yellow discoloration of sclera followed by fever, ascites,hematemesis and melena. 68% had chronic liver disease.Higher mortality is seen in female. Mean duration of hospital stay was 6 day with 48% survival. Conclusion: We conclude that HE is a fatal condition. Fulminant hepatitis E accounted for higher mortality in females while alcoholic cirrhosis resulted in high mortality in males.

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DR. SHIVANI PATEL, DR. TEJAS MODI, DR. MAYUR PATIL, DR. NARENDRA BARAD, DR. RECHAL SHAH, DR. KIRAN MIRANI Study of 100 Patients Presenting with Hepatic Encephalopathy with Special Reference to Etiology and Outcome International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.I January 2014

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