Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Study of 100 Cases of Complicated Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria

Dr. Sunita J. Solanki , Dr. Reena Shah, Dr. Saurabhpatel, Dr. Neeraj Singh

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION Malaria is an important cause of illness & death in children & adults, especially in tropical countries. In India, about 2 million confirmed malaria cases & 1000 deaths are reported annually, although 15 million cases & 20000 deaths are estimated by WHO SEA regional office. India contributes 77% of total malaria in SEA AIMS & OBJECTIVES 1) To study in–depth various complications of P.faciparum malaria 2) To evaluate various manifestations of severe P.faciparum malaria 3) To find out outcome of patient with complicated Falciparum malaria MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study includes 100 patients of complicated P.Falciparum malaria admitted in our hospital during period of May 2011 to November 2012. Cases were selected on following criteria 1) All patients with age>12years irrespective of gender with severe manifestations of P.Falciparum malaria 2) Presence of asexual P.Falciparum parasite on peripheral smear examination. CONCLUSION • Common single complications were Jaundice , anaemia, cereal malaria. • Multiple complications that were common are Jaundice + ARF , cereal malaria + jaundice + ARF + anaemia and cereal malaria + jaundice + ARF.

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Dr.Sunita J. Solanki, Dr.Reena Shah, Dr.Saurabhpatel, Dr.Neeraj Singh / Study of 100 Cases of Complicated Plasmodium Falciparum Malaria / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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