Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016


B. Tamilarasi, Dr. Mrs D. Ushalayaraj

Abstract :

 Children with special needs are also the part of our society and resource of our nation. Many disabled persons are also example of excellence in the World. So there is a need to provide special attention, care, and education. Keeping this point of view the present study was conducted to find out the Study Habits and Learning Difficulties of Heå Impaired children. Normative Survey method was used and random sampling technique was employed for the study. Study Habits and Learning Difficulties questionnaires were used as tools to collect data from the sample of 94 heå impaired high school students. The findings of the study reveal that there is no significant difference in study habits based on gender and type of management of heå impaired students. The female heå impaired children have better study habits compared with male counter parts. The study habits of private heå impaired students are better than government aided heå impaired students. The study also reveals that no significant difference exists in the learning difficulties of heå impaired students based on gender and also based on type of management. Learning difficulties of male heå impaired students are found to be more than female students. Compå the learning difficulties of government aided & private school, it is found that private heå impaired students learning difficulties is little more, than that of government aided students.

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B. Tamilarasi, Dr. (Mrs) D. Ushalayaraj STUDY HABITS & LEARNING DIFFICULTIES OF HEARING IMPAIRED STUDENTS International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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