Volume : II, Issue : III, March - 2013

Study and Analysis of Marketing Strategies for Unbranded Products

Dheeraj Bhargava, Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey, Prof. Dr Sanjeev Bansal

Abstract :

This report is entirely based upon primary research. A questionnaire was prepared and various questions were asked from people on the basis of likert scale, some personal questions were also asked. The report is on marketing strategies of unanded products. Report starts with Introduction and Literature Review which talks about the scenario of consumer electronics goods in India, and how India is competing with other countries. China who is the world leader of producing various anded and unanded products is a way ahead from India. The unanded market is huge and after doing the in depth study, we came to know that rural market offer big opportunity to work in these markets to educate and make understand the consumer about various issues related to unanded products. The study does not say that unanded products are better than anded ones but it tells how it can be different from various big ands and companies. The analysis part consists of analysis of each and every question from the questionnaire, the whole analysis is done through SPSS software. A function called cross tabulation has been used from SPSS to analyze and form various relations among all the questions. After analysis part, suggestions and conclusions have been drawn which consist of various marketing strategies, factors affecting the growth of this sector and challenges which can be faced by unanded products are discussed in detail

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Dheeraj Bhargava, Dr. Amit Kumar Pandey, Prof. (Dr) Sanjeev Bansal Study and Analysis of Marketing Strategies for Unbranded Products International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.III March 2013

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