Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Studieson Floristic Diversity and Their Seasonal Appearance on the Ancient Walls of Kota District, Rajasthan.

Dr. Krishnendra Singh Nama, Dr. Kiran Choudhary

Abstract :

An extensive study is conducted in and around Kota District to observe floristic composition and their seasonal appearance on the walls of Archaeological buildings. A total of 135 plant species are observed, out of which 120 plant species are dicotyledons and only 15 species are monocotyledons. Total 106 genera comprising 46 families are documented. The Asteraceae, Poaceae and Amaranthaceaeare the dominant families of the wall flora. Herb and Shrub habit is dominant on the walls whereas climbers and trees are least observed. Majority of the species were observed in winters and Monsoon of the year. Among the woody perennials Ficusreligiosa, Ficusbenghalensis, Ficus, racemosa, Ficushispida and Holopteleaintegrifolia are dominant species, whereas among annuals Achyranthusaspera, Amaranthusspinosus, Partheniumhysterophorus, Commelinabenghalensis, Tridaxprocumbens, Chenopodium album and Sidacordata are profusely present.

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Dr. Krishnendra Singh Nama, Dr. Kiran Choudhary Studieson Floristic Diversity and Their Seasonal Appearance on the Ancient Walls of Kota District, Rajasthan. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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