Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Studies on Efficacy of Multi Component Preservative Chemical Against Mould Fungi

Narasimhamurthy, Dr. C. N. Pandey, Dr. S. K. Nath

Abstract :

Timbers are susceptible to rapid deterioration by variety of organisms. The fungi and insects are major causes of wood decay. Wood products are subject to various bio-hazard attacks if preventative measures are not taken. The proper preservative treatment can reduce the damages and increases the longevity of wood. Study was carried out to find the effect of multi component preservative chemical consisting of chemicals at proportions of 0.2% tannic acid, 0.3% boric acid and 0.5% of Bavistin (Carbendazim) in an aqueous solution to test its efficacy. Results reveal that there is no mould attack on veneer samples of 2% concentration as compared to 1% concentration.

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Narasimhamurthy, Dr. C. N. Pandey, Dr. S. K. Nath Studies on Efficacy of Multi Component Preservative Chemical Against Mould Fungi International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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