Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2015


K. P. Kiran Kumar, G. P. Singh

Abstract :

<p>Virosis is dangerous contiguous disease and it is estimated to an extent of 25%–30% of total crop loss. Usage of tolerant AmCPV eeds, along with the disinfection is the most suitable for the prevention of crop loss due to the virosis in the open field reå conditions. Hence, study was conducted on Daba T.V. tasar eco–race tolerance to Antheraea mylitta Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus (AmCPV) under inoculated condition. The survival % increased from generation G1 (2.96%) to G2 (6.33%) when challenged with AmCPV at the concentration of 1 x 103 PIB/ml. In generation G3 it came down to 6.15% and reached to 12.23% at G4 when challenged with AmCPV at the high concentration of 1 x 104 PIB/ml. Further, it decreased to 12.09% in the G5 generation and increased to 14.28% at generation G6 when challenged with AmCPV at the higher concentration of 1 x 105 PIB/ml. In last generation, G7 there was slight decrease in survival percent recorded with 13.80% when challenged with AmCPV at the high concentration of 1 x 106 PIB/ml. In the case of Inoculated Control, survival % was 2.96% in G1 and decreased gradually and reached to 0.92 at the end of G4 generation thereafter it was recorded 0% from generation G5 to G7. The survival % was ranged in between 21.92–28.33% in the Healthy control. Percentile improvement of survival trait in AmCPV treated batches was ranged from 10.45 (1st generation) to 62.95 (7th generation) and shown gradual linier improvement. Cocoon weight, Cocoon shell weight and shell ratio recorded lower values in AmCPV treated lots than the healthy control in initial generations and obtained almost equal values to healthy control when it reached to the generation G7. The analysis of variance showed for all tested survival, cocoon weight, cocoon shell weight and shell ratio traits highly significant (P<0.01) values in the treatment, generation and treatment x generation.</p>

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K.P. Kiran Kumar, G.P. Singh Studies on Daba T.v. Tasar EcoRace Tolerance to Antheraea Mylitta Cytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus (Amcpv) Under Inoculated Condition International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 12 December 2015

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