Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

Student Awareness About Privacy Policy Related to Facebook

Rajesh Jadav, Malhar Trivedi, Kiran Solanki

Abstract :

College students are increasingly shå their lives online through social networking sites with little concern for who may be viewing their information. Understanding student use of social networking sites along with privacy rights online will help professionals in the development of appropriate online activity and policies. Social networking sites are a part of college students’ regular daily lives With this new technology, questions about ethical use and the lines of what is private and what is not have become so blurry and misunderstood that students can find themselves involved in situations that are less than desirable. Social networking sites are a group of Web sites that provide people with the opportunity to create an online profile and to share that profile with others. The two most commonly used are MySpace and Facebook, , about half of whom are college students. Several articles address issues related to higher education, but few examine the issues related to privacy. The topic of social networking sites has gathered increasing amounts of attention from student affairs professionals. Privacy is defined here as personal information that an individual deems important and unattainable by the general population Personal information includes a person’s name, physical address, e–mail address, online username, telephone number, social security number, and any other information with which that person could be identified . Keywords : privacy policy , aware , students

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Rajesh Jadav, Malhar Trivedi, Kiran Solanki Student Awareness About Privacy Policy Related to Facebook International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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