Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Stretching, An Effective Method of Improving the Elasticity of Muscle at The Aerobic Team From University of Bucharest

Ganciu Mihaela, Ganciu Oana Maria

Abstract :

As theorized in literature, stretching is the deliberate act of lengthening of muscles, in order to increase muscle flexibility and/or joint range of motion. Mobility represents the capacity of making ample movements, in a passive or active way and it refers especially to the articulations. Stretching is a new scientific method that enables mobility training simple and effective. Under aerobic gymnastics, musculoskeletal is requested the most, especially in the joints. Joint mobility, one of the badly needed motric qualities in aerobics, without adequate mobility cannot accede to performance. The purpose of this research study is the optimization of the joint mobility development strategies, by identifying the most efficient operational structures, and convert them into preparation programs based on the method. The individualized application of the intervention procedures through stretching, related to the quality and efficiency evaluation tests of the training process, demonstrates an increase in the quality of training for the experimental group.

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Ganciu Mihaela, Ganciu Oana Maria Stretching, An Effective Method of Improving the Elasticity of Muscle at The Aerobic Team From University of Bucharest International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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